Sneakers and Dreamers Gala LogoShoe lace

Saturday, September 13th, 2025

5:00pm  | WinSport Event Centre  

KidSport Calgary & Area supports children who need financial assistance with sport registration fees and equipment.  We believe that the power of sport participation promotes the development of children's social, mental and physical well being. The reality is that cost keeps 1 in 3 Canadian kids out of organized sport, especially kids from marginalized or remote communities. That’s where KidSport comes in.

30 Years of helping kids

30 years ago, from the hard work and vision of Kelly Blackshaw and Kathy Salmon, KidSport was brought to Alberta, and chapters were setup around the province.  Since that inaugural year, KidSport Calgary and Area has been able to support over 80,000 kids in 60+ different sports.  This impact as Canada's largest KidSport chapter has led to an amazing investment of $23 million and counting in sport registration fee assistance to support these very deserving kids.  We are excited to celebrate this incredible milestone anniversary and set the path for another 30 years of helping kids achieve their sporting dreams in Calgary & Area.
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Thank you to our partners

For more information, or to inquire about sponsorship opportunities, contact us here
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Applicant Testimonials


My name is Victor, I am 13 years old, and have been practicing fencing for two years. I would like to thank KidSport, and the sponsor(s) that helped me financially. My family and I have been going through a difficult time this year and your donation is crucial for me because it allows me to continue pursuing the sport I love.

Fencing is not only my passion, but it also provided me with support during a long and difficult family situation. It has taught me patience, strategy, and helped me become stronger both mentally and physically. Additionally, it has given me the opportunity to meet and learn from wonderful athletes and to be part of a strong and positive community.

Since I started fencing two years ago, through hard work, determination, and respect for the sport, I have achieved a place on the podium in ten provincial competitions. Your donation will help me continue my training and become a better athlete. My future goal is to win national and international competitions, and to become an Olympian.

Thank you so much for your support.

Another lacrosse season has come to an end, and we cannot thank you enough for giving Chloe another season!

Chloe’s team went undefeated all year, but that was just a bonus of hard work, determination and fun! Chloe made friends, learned new skills, developed as an athlete and was once again, given a space to just be Chloe!

As many of you know, Chloe faces medical challenges and also has special needs (including an intellectual disability) and sport always gives her a space to be included. 

Without your support, Chloe wouldn’t be able to participate. We thank you so much for helping Chloe get in the game!

I honestly couldn’t do it without you. 

I just want to thank you for approving my children for the kids sport grant. They're enjoying the martial arts that they are learning and are significantly more active since joining! This really has made my heart full, the fact that this grant is even available. My own childhood was good, but my parents were never able to afford to put me in any extracurricular activities due to the price being too high. This affected my well-being growing up and my social skills lacked as I watch my peers be able to do amazing extracurricular activities that I couldn't do.

My self-esteem definitely paid the price, so I've always wanted my kids to be able to enjoy their childhood and be able to join extracurricular activities to help with their mental well-being, and self-esteem. They're learning about discipline, respect, time management, and being on a team with others. In my opinion, this will make my children more likely to succeed in life and less likely to fall through the cracks. Please, whoever is keeping this amazing organization going, don't ever stop. There are so many kids like mine who do not get to join activities because of lack of income, and inflation is only going to make this worse. This is literally a blessing for my family and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I cannot thank you enough!!

Thank you so much for the fun, the joy, the skills, the opportunity for a greater education (scholarships) and/or chance to go far in their sports. Greatest thanks come directly from me - you have no idea how much gratitude I have. It has been important for me to have all my children involved in organized sports to help fill their minds, body and souls. I would never have been able to allow my children the opportunities you all have provided, and our lives are more enriched because of it all.

THANK YOU with all my heart

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